Mandatory Commercial Recycling
(AB 341)
AB 341 requires businesses to implement a recycling program if they are generating four cubic yards or more of solid waste per week. The IWMA has a similar ordinance requiring businesses to have recycling services. All local solid waste haulers in San Luis Obispo County include recycling with garbage service.
Starting a business recycling program is quick and easy. Contact the IWMA at (805) 782-8530 and our Recycling Specialist will assist you. If you aren’t sure how many cubic yards of waste you are generating, or if you would like to expand your current program, give us a call.
AB 341 also requires multi-family complexes or apartment buildings of five or more units to implement a recycling program, regardless of how much waste they generate.
If you have questions about setting up a program contact IWMA at 805-782-8530.
If you have questions about AB 341, CalRecycle offers a complete set of answers to Frequently Asked Questions about AB 341, including information about reporting, compliance and enforcement.